Sunday, November 18, 2007

Home sweet home

Today is Sunday and we are totally wiped out from a long week and weekend of moving into our new home. So far, so good...although we've run into a few hiccups along the way (plumbing issues here in the house and a Direct TV serviceman who stayed until almost 1 a.m. installing our new TV service--he was a nice guy, but man could he talk!). Here are three things I've learned about the south so far:

1) If you shop at Publix grocery store, a store clerk will wheel your cart out to your car and load your groceries in your car for you. When the store clerk started walking away with my cart I couldn't figure out what the heck was going on (I literally thought someone was trying to steal my groceries!). It was really nice, though, for her to do that (and apparently you don't tip them--it's part of their job. I asked our landlord and he said they won't accept tips).

2) Pecans are good. And in our yard we have TWO pecan trees and a ton of whole pecans!!! I've collected a big bowl of them and hope to make pecan pie later this week for Thanksgiving. I'm so excited about making a pecan pie with pecans from my yard!

3) People will steal your pecans. On moving day, two people were walking through our yard picking up pecans from the ground. I didn't know what they were doing because at the time I didn't realize we even had pecan trees. Pecans are in high demand this time of year so people will go to neighborhoods with pecan trees and collect the nuts from yards and then sell them. Not sure how I feel about people walking through my yard stealing my pecans!!!

This coming week we're going to do a bunch of errands (DMV, etc.), but I'm really hoping we can get to the beach one morning. The weather is absolutely beautiful!!!
Camellias blooming in our yard--in November!!!

Moving in!


Kira said...

mmmm...pecan pie :)

Anonymous said...

Stealing your pecans? Sic Nomini on 'em! (just kidding). We recently realized that both our hounds have been gorging themselves on acorns in the yard. I can't imagine the raptures they'd go into if there were actual pecan trees in the yard.

Good luck with the pie, I bet it will be extra yummy.