Monday, November 26, 2007

Is it Georgian or Federalist? I don't know!

My Historic Preservation professor from Mary Washington would be so disappointed in me. I can't remember the difference between architectural styles. As we've walked around downtown so far, all I can do is point and say "look at that's so pretty" or "I've never seen anything like that!" That's about the extent of my architecture vocabulary. I did notice that on the photo above, each row has a different architectural element above the windows, but don't ask me what they are :)!

Walking around downtown makes me want to learn more about architecture, because it is absolutely breathtaking (and don't even get me started on the gardens). Here are a few pictures I've taken so far.

The Cistern on the College of Charleston's main campus:

An iron gate window thingy :):

Garden in an alley:

Double porches and a spiral staircase:


Anonymous said...

Yes, yes. Lots of pretty architecture. But what your legions of fans really want to know did the pecan pie turn out?

Anonymous said...

The pie was AWESOME. The best pecan pie I've ever had!