Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It's a wonderful Thanksgiving

It's hard to believe it's almost December. Everywhere you go around here is decorated for the holidays. It's a little strange to see Christmas lights when it's 70 degrees outside, but I'm sure we'll get used to that :).

The lights went up before Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving always seems to get overlooked! It's the best holiday, though. A day that is simple--when you give thanks, gather with family and friends, eat good food, and watch football. That's my kind of day!

We had a nice mom and I cooked Thanksgiving dinner and we watched all of the football games. Our dinner turned out ok, but the best part were the pies! My mom made apple (and put a smiley face on the crust just like my grandmother used to do).

And I made pecan pie from the pecans in our front yard! It took my Dad and I forever to crack all of the pecans, but we did it and the pie turned out well. This year I used the pecan pie recipe from the Joy of Cooking--Dave loved it :).


Anonymous said...

Yum!! Your Mom's apple pie and your pecan pie are the best!! I'll help you crack some pecans in January if you'll make one again! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

It's 70 degrees there? When can we visit?
And, we're expecting promotional material on your mail order pecan pie business any day now...

Anne said...


I want to move to Charleston NOW more than EVER!! Your blog is fantastic!!

Kira said...

mmmmm pecan pie :)